Hello and a big welcome. :)
Eyes Open
JoinedPosts by Eyes Open
Faded away about 4 years ago
by SurfsUp inhi i wanted to say hello, this is my first day on this forum.
i am 40 years old and was a jw from birth.
i am living in georgia and have lived in florida too.
I Received The Holy Spirit!
by Maddie ini want to share with you all a most wonderful experience i have just had.
i have been going to a christian church called the vineyard.
they have a live band and lots of singing goes on there.
Eyes Open
I don't believe your experience is due to God or holy spirit as such, but I'm glad you've benefitted anyway.
Isn't it great to be able to have differing opinions on things such as this and still all be recognised as equal human beings? :) -
Hi, I'm new
by Diva inhi, this is my first post but ive been lurking around this discussion board for some time now.
my husband (the borg) occasionally posts and i had the pleasure of meeting some great people at the apostofest in covent garden, london last year arranged by bestie and sweetpea , hi to you both and hi to freetothink, mr majestic and everyone that was there hope youre all ok.. my story in a nutshell: raised a jw from birth, my whole family, expect one brother and sister (disfellowshipped) are still jws - basically i was raised in a family who were considered one of the pillars of the congregation, we all pioneered and did the whole witness thing, in fact one of my sisters is a missionary.
my whole jw world crumbled when i learnt about the jw/un connection and from that moment on there was no turning back.
Eyes Open
Hi Diva. :)
Hurry - Free E-Books
by LockedChaos intor is offering some free e-books.
don't know how long it will last.
Eyes Open
Hurry - Free E-Books
by LockedChaos intor is offering some free e-books.
don't know how long it will last.
Eyes Open
I'm on steroids too :(
by MsMcDucket inmany of you know that i had bilateral vocal cord paralysis.
the cords were in the closed position and required tracheostomy.
i had the trach for about 5 months.
Eyes Open
An allergic reaction to the cat thread? Was that the one I posted? I'd hate to be responsible for that, MsMcDucket!
Hope things improve soon. -
My First Post!!!
by IreallydidwalkoutofaKH inafter a year of reading all of your experiences and expressions i decided it was time for me to start sharing some of mine.
hopefully they can benefit others, like many of yours have benefited me!
being raised in the wtbts, the jehovahs witness docrine and culture really was the prism from which all of my experiences and understanding of life originated.
Eyes Open
Hi. :)
by lancelink induring the pasr 5 months i have been attending seminars for work, and going to different churches to see .
and there is one thing that stands out.
the microphones used at the kingdom halls.
Eyes Open
Microphone adjustment is another privilege they can assign to brothers to make them feel like they're progressing.
Request for Day's Text and Bible Reading
by Eyes Open inhello all, .
could someone who has the required wt library please paste in the day's texts for 2-9 august, and that weeks bible reading portion please?
i'd also be interested if anyone knows where to download the most recent wt library software.
Eyes Open
Many thanks for your help yknot. Appreciated.
Request for Day's Text and Bible Reading
by Eyes Open inhello all, .
could someone who has the required wt library please paste in the day's texts for 2-9 august, and that weeks bible reading portion please?
i'd also be interested if anyone knows where to download the most recent wt library software.
Eyes Open
Hello all,
Could someone who has the required WT library please paste in the Day's Texts for 2-9 August, and that weeks bible reading portion please?
I'd also be interested if anyone knows where to download the most recent WT Library software.